Intelligence and Community Needs: 386-331-3113

  • Call or text with any information about people and community needs, and to request support.

Shipments and  Resource Acquisition: 386-331-3113

  • Call or text this number to coordinate the delivery of donated goods. Help us plan for the organization of supplies by being in touch before showing up with donations!

Volunteer Coordination: 386-331-3661

  • To sign up for a shift or to inquire about volunteer opportunities, contact this number.

Community Leaders/ Partners: 386-331-3542

  • This line is for community members to connect with us to schedule aid and assistance. We want to know what a To partner with us, establish recurring deliveries or assistance, or to coordinate about long- term projects, contact this number. 

Donor Relations: 386-331-3542

  • Contact this number donate or receive information about donating.